Monday, October 28, 2013


By Reuben Mete
There are some issues which are fundamental in holding a society in balance. In the PNG and Melanesia, a Father, Leader and a Man lead the way and set the pace.  Stable marriage is also important.  The current talk and under-current re-writing of the marriage, acceptance of same-sex relationship, de-criminalizing of homosexuality and the so called important bill for 22 women in parliament is a proposal to de-stabilize and bring PNG society into a confused, non-godly society.  What is your stand?  How are you praying? And what can you do to influence the MPs to do the right thing?  If you believe in PNG, you will pass this information to likeminded to pray and act or do something?  This is a concern to me and I need to share.
Since the existence of human life on the Island of Nuigini, the inhabitants of our land had their un-written rules and had standards on morality, discipline and rules governing sexuality, relationship and marriage.  What has forced the changes in the rules? Why legislate to de-criminalize homosexuality? Would the UN and the Aid Agencies in-directly funding the changes in PNGs' value system to destroy the social and cultural values of the Melanesians?  Why is there so much publicity and propaganda on the AIDS agenda?  Why have another 22 leaders (women) when we are already over-governed without services effectively delivered?

Do we need a white skin to come and talk to our leaders, fathers and the man of the land as to how to behave and have their homes and their "Haus Man Toktok" in order?  What is the rationale behind the de-criminalization of sodomy and lesbianism?  If these minorities have gone astray, should we be forced to change the law of natural use of‘men’ and ‘women’ sexuality and it’s naturally God given mandate to un-natural way?  How do the homosexuals propagate their own kind? 

Is this where most of the donor aid agencies propagating to destroy the Marriage foundation, morality and righteousness in PNG?  Is this not the Agenda Lady Kidu is advocating?  We should not be surprised if 22 women make into Parliament ‘Haus Man’ becomes a diluted house of the adultery and whores?  Few of the so called women leaders have gone through disfunctional marriages and broken marriages and are looking for a place to get even with the men.  They will be there not for the development agenda of the electorates but to condone and propagate the social evil, women rights agendas that they are corhersing with Lady Kidu to force this evil and curse upon our nation.

Our 111 Members of Parliament, if you are men enough in your constituency and have some decency to know your position as husbands, fathers and leaders, you would be careful to make the right choice not to vote for women seats and the homosexual agendas being drafted by lady Kidu and her advisors.  Guess who they may be.  It’s a coincidence; both these issues are being pushed at the same time to be legislated.

Do we have to sit around and wait for a white woman to set the standards and the rules governing our life values?  Do we have to wait until all the ladies end up in parliament and make that "Haus" a un-holy place of the rule of the spirit of Zezebel?  Like King Ahab, when he (man-leader) was weak, it allowed for Zezebell (women) to dictate and rule the nation of Israel into its demise.
We need the Spirit of Elijah to arise and speak.  Do we have a voice out there that can influence our MPs, while the papers are being drafted into become a bill?

The Author is a Church Minister and current school bursar at the PNG University of Technology

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